Estonian Academy of Arts

Curriculum modules

Curriculum: Scenography 2016/2017

Module Description
General theoretical subjects The aim of the module is:
- to provide general theoretical knowledge of the humanities;
- to provide the skill to navigate in the history of arts and humanities allowing the student to interconnect speciality-related knowledge;
- to develop skills for conducting analysis, synthesis and comparison and the ability to employ them in discussing the problems of the field;
- to provide systematic basic knowledge for conducting independent research;
- to provide an overview of the various possibilities to work as a creative professional or entrepreneur both in Estonia and abroad.

Upon completing the module, the student:
- knows the main problems and fields of research in contemporary philosophy and art theory;
- navigates well in the history of art and cultural theory;
- can apply the general knowledge of the humanities within the context of fine arts;
- has the basic knowledge for initiating independent research;
- is aware of the various possibilities to work as a creative professional or entrepreneur both in Estonia and abroad.

Assessment is subject-specific. The module is completed once all the subjects of the module have been completed with a positive result. The assessment criteria and methods of each subject are set out in the respective syllabi.
Speciality The aim of the module is:
- to provide an overview of the practices of contemporary performing arts and the respective visual trends;
- to further enhance the knowledge and practical skills in scenography with regard to contemporary performing arts;
- to develop the individual technical and artistic skills to visualise professional ideas in a real space;
- to provide the readiness for initiating and realizing individual and collective creative projects;
- to develop the skills to apply the theoretical specialty knowledge for conducting research.

Upon completing the module, the student:
- has an overview of the practices of contemporary performing arts, the respective visual trends and the possible applications in creative projects;
- has acquired in-depth theoretical and practical skills and knowledge related to the field;
- is ready to initiate innovative performance projects as an artist-director;
- participates in the creation of small- or large-scale performance projects as a member of a performing group;
- can verbally express the concept of a performance and complete a detailed respective project;
- understands the need for life-long education in perfecting the individual artistic means;
- can work as a performance artist both as a member of a creative group and as an individual author taking partial or full responsibility for the artistic quality of the project.

Assessment is subject-specific. The module is completed once all the subjects of the module have been completed with a positive result. The assessment criteria and methods of each subject are set out in the respective syllabi.
Optional subjects The aim of the module is:
- to provide the means for further developing one’s professional skills and knowledge through the subjects of personal interest;
- to widen the students’ horizons and allow them to acquire extensive knowledge in the related areas;
- to further develop one’s individual technical and creative skills;
- to acquire skills and knowledge to enhance and expand the professional range.

Upon completing the module, the student:
- has a better understanding of the position of one’s speciality in the field of performing arts;
- has acquired further knowledge of fields related to one’s speciality on the basis of individual preferences;
- has further developed his individual skills providing advantages in the labour market.

Assessment is subject-specific. The module is completed once all the subjects of the module have been completed with a positive result. The assessment criteria and methods of each subject are set out in the respective syllabi.
Master Thesis The aim of Master’s thesis is to demonstrate:
- theoretical and practical knowledge related to the speciality;
artistic and verbal expressive means;
- the student’s comprehensive approach to working with the material;
- the student’s ethical attitude to the material;
- the student’s values and attitudes;
- the student’s skills to complete and realize a practical performance project.

Upon defending the MA thesis, the student:
- can conduct independent research work and express verbally the concept of the performance;
- can create small- or large-scale hybrid and innovative performance projects by means of contemporary performance arts;
- invents visual-technical scenographic solutions as needed and possible;
- can apply scientific research methods in describing and analysing critically a performance project created independently or collectively;
- can evaluate the effect of the completed project on the audience on the basis of professional ethics;
- has achieved the academic level allowing them to continue their studies on PhD level.

The compilation and defence of the MA thesis is a mandatory requirement for the graduation from the curriculum. The creative and textual part of the thesis form a comprehensive whole in the curriculum.
The curriculum is considered completed once the mandatory project has been defended to a positive grade.

The module will be assessed by the joint Master's thesis evaluation committee of the specialities and Fine Arts pursuant to the assessment criteria set out by EAA.