Estonian Academy of Arts

Subject 'Production Project 2'

Name in Estonian: Lavastusprojekt 2

Year:   2016/2017    2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    

State codeST7113
Study languageEstonian
ChairDepartment of Scenography
Credit points 12 ECTS
Grading method Prelim


The general aim of the course is to draw student’s attention to optical instruments as an important tool of the scenographer in the context of a production.
To highlight the unused possibilities provided by optical illusions in stage productions
To expand the general range of instruments used by the scenographer

The more detailed objectives of the course include:
-to provide an overview of the history and practical use of optical instruments in stage productions;
-to provide the students with the opportunity to study a light- and optics-specific approach to a stage;
-to study the invention of new technologies on the basis of old means;
-to invent new hybrid scenographic tools;
-to learn about the physical characteristics of optical instruments and apply them in a scenographic stage productions.

General description

Practical work to invent simple optical tool models; studying the possible use of scenographic instruments developed on the basis of simple models in the light of a hybrid stage production.

Study outcome

Upon completion of the course, the student:
-knows the contemporary research problems in optics;
-knows the history and practical use of optical instruments in stage productions;
-has studied the possible hybrid use of historic and contemporary optical instruments in creating a scenographic space;
-has constructed a model of a simple optical machine and tested its uses within the context of a stage production
-has expanded the limits of using light-based and optical scenographic instruments;
-can undertake independent hybrid stage productions based on optical illusions and include respective specialists.

Assessment methods and criteria

Undifferentiated assessment: presentation of Works to peers, lecturers, guests; oral feedback
Assessment requirement – participation in instruction and completion of assignments at least 90%, the works have been exhibited and presented on time.

AR – Passed/Credit – The student works demonstrate the application of the main skills and knowledge described in the learning outcomes, the works have been realised on a good creative level with sufficient technical skill and form a conceptual whole. The works demonstrate the student’s original ideas. The exhibition and presentation of the works are professional.

MA – Fail – the student’s contribution is poor. The student works do not demonstrate the application of the main skills and knowledge described in the learning outcomes, the works have been realised on an insufficient level with poor technical skill and do not form a conceptual whole. The work does not demonstrate the student’s original ideas. The exhibition and presentation of the works do not provide an overview of their form and content.

MI – Not present – the student has not participated in instruction or completed the independent work on time, the volume of the completed assignments is below 75%, the works have not been submitted on time.

Abel, Richard. Encyclopedia of Early Cinema
Freud, S. Uncanny
Homeros. Odüsseia, IX laul (Kükloobid.) Tlk. Annist, A. ja Reitav, K.; Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus,1963, lk.113—127.
Euripides. Cyclops. Heracles. Iphigenia in Tauris. Helen, ed. Grene, D. and Lattimore, R. London: The University of Chicago Press Ltd., 1952, p. 9—42.
Homeros. Odüsseia, IX laul, tlk. Annis, A. ja Reitav, K. Tallinn: Varrak, 2006, lk. 108—122.
Mannoni. Laurent. The Great Art of Light and Shadow: Archeology of the Cinema, University of the Exeter Press, 2000.

Is taught in following curricula

2019: MST  
2018: MST  
2017: MST  
2016: MST  