Estonian Academy of Arts

Subject 'Production Project 1'

Name in Estonian: Lavastusprojekt 1

Year:   2016/2017    2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    

State codeST7112
Study languageEstonian
ChairDepartment of Scenography
Credit points 12 ECTS
Grading method Prelim


The general aim of the course is to draw the student’s attention to the creation, staging and production of labyrinth theatre and encourage them to undertake independent productions.
The objective of the course is:
-to provide an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of labyrinth theatre
-to provide the students with the means to study a sense-based and site-specific approach to the plot and characters in the course of practical staging assignments;
-to provide an overview of the specific nature and needs of artist-director-performer in interactive theatre;
-to introduce the possibilities for the feasible use of stage within the context of site-specific interactive theatre;
-to teach the students to use the dynamics and physical peculiarities of the space and adapt spaces to meet the needs of the production;
-to encourage the students to undertake stage productions and find cooperation partners.

General description

Practical work in selected spaces, practical assignments to create and perform joint productions

Study outcome

Upon completion of the course, the student:
-knows the basics of labyrinth theatre and some of the practical aspects of the work of artist-director-performer both as a creator and performer:
-works with site-specific spaces and maps respectively the dynamics and nature of the characters of his own design;
-analysis the source text and material and can participate in the creation of scenes/productions both alone and collectively;
-understands the specific nature of the performer’s activities within the context of interactive theatre and can create mis-en-scenes in the specific space on the basis of any selected or created text or some other trigger;
-undertakes independent productions on the basis of the acquired knowledge and creates comprehensive short productions with minimum means;
-solves the problems emerging during the production process.

Assessment methods and criteria

Undifferentiated assessment – presentation of works to peers, lecturers, guests; oral feedback
Assessment requirement – participation in instruction 90%, the works have been exhibited and presented on time.

AR – Passed/Credit – The student works demonstrate the application of the main skills and knowledge described in the learning outcomes, the works have been realised on a good creative level with sufficient technical skill and form a conceptual whole. The works demonstrate the student’s original ideas. The exhibition and presentation of the works are professional.

MA – Fail – the student’s contribution is poor. The student works do not demonstrate the application of the main skills and knowledge described in the learning outcomes, the works have been realised on an insufficient level with poor technical skill and do not form a conceptual whole. The work does not demonstrate the student’s original ideas. The exhibition and presentation of the works do not provide an overview of their form and content.

MI – Not present – the student has not participated in instruction or completed the independent work on time, the volume of the completed assignments is below 90%, the works have not been submitted on time.


Is taught in following curricula

2019: MST  
2018: MST  
2017: MST  
2016: MST  