Estonian Academy of Arts

Subject 'Questions of Contemporary Art 3'

Name in Estonian: Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused 3

Year:   2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022    

State codeKU7215
Study languageEstonian
ChairFine Arts
Credit points 3 ECTS
Grading method Grade prelim (letters)

Additional Information

The course takes place in two groups: Exhibition Analysis (lead by Maarin Mürk and Margit Säde) and Trends of Visual Culture (lecturer Kati Ilves).

The info about the exhibition analysis course and time schedule available in the google drive.
Please upload your written assignments in the folder "2019 class" in the same google drive link.


To provide the knowledge of the functioning mechanisms, institutions and curation in contemporary arts and the most important curator positions in the history of 20th century art;
To provide the basis for experimenting with independent curator projects and also the respective practical skills;
To introduce various exhibition types and formats;
To allow the students to see and discuss exhibitions in terms of comprehensive objects of analysis that do not only contain meaningful works of art but provide artistic articulation as a whole.

Study outcome

The student can analyse exhibitions as conceptual wholes and navigates in the history of exhibition culture;
Knows and can characterise the most important curator positions in the history of 20th century art;
Can write a project for and curate an exhibition
Learning about the work of a curator hopefully enhances the student’s opportunities to operate in the field of arts and experiment with various identities.

Study activities

Compulsory participation in classes: 20 hours; seminars: 20 hours
Practical work: supervision of an independent curator project: 8 hours
Essay: pursuant to the texts and topics prepared and provided by the lecturers.
Independent curator project with all respective features.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam: essay (at least 9000 characters, 60%), preparation and presentation of an exhibition project (40%).
The assessment includes the student’s ability to navigate in the world of arts, to understand its functioning mechanisms, to analyse specific examples against a broader institutional background and to express his perspective clearly and logically in an essay based on the compulsory and recommended reading provided during the lectures. A selection of essay topics will be provided at the end of the second third of the lecture series at the latest. The essay topic cannot be freely selected by the student.
In case of the exhibition project, the assessment includes the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge in the development of a realistic contemporary exhibition project. The assessment includes both the adequacy and originality of the content and the thoroughness of the practical aspects.
Assessment criteria:
A “excellent” – the essay demonstrates excellent navigation skills in the contemporary art scene and the respective developments, and also the student’s ability to place practical examples in the institutional context discussed in the lecture. The essay is based on more than four of the texts in the compulsory and recommended reading list provided in the lectures, the student operates with the statements made in the texts independently and critically and contextualises them more widely. The exhibition project is original, with a thorough and detailed concept, budget and action plan.

B “very good” – the essay demonstrates very good navigation skills in the contemporary art scene and the respective developments. The essay is based on at least three of the texts in the compulsory and recommended reading list provided in the lectures, the student operates with the statements made in the texts critically and has a command of the topic both from the historical and contemporary perspective. The exhibition project is original, with no irregularities in the concept, budget and action plan.

C “good” – the essay demonstrates good navigation skills in the contemporary art scene and/or the respective developments (in case it focusses only on the present or only on the history). he essay is based on at least two of the texts in the compulsory and recommended reading list provided in the lectures, the student operates with the statements made in the texts.

Is taught in following curricula

2019: MACA  MAKK  MST  
2018: MACA  MAKK  MST  
2017: MKU  MST  
2016: MKU  MST  
2015: MKU  

Related subjects

Replacement Subjects
EVKU72004 Questions of Contemporary Art III: Symbolic Order of the Art World
EVKU72006 Questions of Contemporary Art III