Estonian Academy of Arts

Curriculum subject

Contemporary Performance 1

Subject code ST7110
Subject name Contemporary Performance 1
Credit points 3 ECTS
Grading method Grade prelim (letters)
Curriculum subject
Curriculum 2018 MST
Study year 1
Semester Spring semester
Subject type Mandatory
To introduce the most remarkable scenographic phenomena in contemporary scenography with emphasis on the figurative perspective.
To define visual imagery, to learn how to differentiate it from a symbol and other meaningful phenomena in the scenery and to study its functioning mechanisms.
To open a new discourse around the visual image of “playful arts” (theatre, cinema, performance).
General description
Studying the theoretical basis of figurative language, observing the respective practical output in contemporary visual theatre (Romeo Castellucci, Thomas Ostermeier, Christophe Warlikowski, Robert Wilson, La Fura dels Baus, Pina Bausch, Alain Platel etc.).
Independent work – the presentation and discussion of the research of figurative theatre or analysis of a creative project in a seminar
Study outcome
Upon completion of the course, the student
-can differentiate between an image and other meaningful visual phenomena on the stage;
-can analyse the metaphorical /illustrative nature of staging;
-understands the functioning principles of an image and its possible effect on other staging components;
-has in-depth knowledge of the visual images created in contemporary theatre
Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation at the seminar
Assessment requirement – participation in classes and seminars and the presentation
AR – Pass/Credit – the student’s presentation features the information acquired during the lectures and the ability to project it on to a new material selected by the student
MA – Fail – the student’s presentation does not featuer the information acquired during the lectures, the works have been completed on an insufficient level
MI – Not present – the student has not participated in instruction or completed the independent work on time, the works have not been submitted on time.

In exceptional cases, the presentation may be submitted in written form.
Current rounds