Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
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Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused 1

Ainekood KU7128
Õppeaine nimetus Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused 1
Ainepunkte 3 EAP
Hindamisviis Hindeline arvestus (tähed)
Õppekava aine
Õppekava 2019 MAKK
Õppeaasta 1
Semester Sügissemester
Aine tüüp Kohustuslik
Täiendav informatsioon
Selles aines saab valida 2 grupi vahel:

1) Keha ja lava, õppejõud Mart Kangro (grupi suurus: 10 tudengit), aine toimub eesti ja inglise keeles

2) Art in the Anthropocene, õppejõud John Grzinich (grupi suurus 10 tudengit), aine toimub inglise keeles
Art in the Anthropocene:

This course aims to take an interdisciplinary approach to the complex and often contested topic of the Anthropocene to equip students to analyze and work with complex issues both systematically and artistically. By addressing a range of critical issues we can better define the role that artists take in developing creative and constructive responses to the rapidly changing social, political and ecological conditions of the Anthropocene.
Õppeaine sisu
The concept of the Anthropocene has gathered significant momentum since it was introduced 20 years ago by scientists Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in a concise paper (published in the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme newsletter). While the term itself has instigated a good deal of controversy, there is a general consensus on the necessity of new terminologies to be adopted as a way of describing the impact of human activities on a planetary scale. This complex historical narrative is as much about the relationship between humans and nature, as it is about our own cultural ethics and ideals. This course critically examines the historical foundations of the Anthropocene, its adoption in science and popular culture, as well as its key claims about the long-term impact of humanity on the planet. As such, it is a powerful idea that demands engagement to provide a deeper understanding of the scientific and cultural background on this “new geological era” and its impact on contemporary discourses affecting artistic practice. Key questions include, what roles can artists play in the Anthropocene debate and what messages can be conveyed through artistic practices regarding the Anthropocene?
● Students will gain an informed awareness on key issues concerning the ethical, political and scientific dimensions of the Anthropocene debate.
● Provoke critical thinking on ways to re-interpret and re-imagine relationships between humans, non-humans and geophysical processes.
● To give students the opportunity to acquire or develop analysis and assessment skills relevant to their research interests and artistic ambitions.
● Grasp the conceptual and philosophical implications of the Anthropocene to be able to integrate topics of the Anthropocene into processes of artistic creation.
Nõuded lõputööle
Project: My life in the Anthropocene. Keep a semester long journal or diary that reflects on everyday aspects related to living in, with or adapting to life in the current ‘post-natural’ age, widely recognized as the Anthropocene. This can take the form of an online (blog, tumblr, instagram etc) or offline (notebook, series of drawings, photos etc) record. Each student is asked to present a journal with at least 15-20 ‘entries’ each with a short text description followed by some related content (drawing, photo, longer text etc.). Simple ‘copy and paste’ or ‘link only’ entries (retweet, regram) can be included but do not count without your own added reflections. Entries should not only include personal reflections or ‘factiods’ but also artistic responses of some kind (sketches, photos, performances, public interventions etc.).
Geological time and human history
Civilization and anthropocentric culture
Guest speaker / workshop?
The Anthropocene debate, where and how did it begin?
Nature and culture, blurring the lines
Fire and ice, the language of climate change
Guest speaker / workshop?
Artistic practices in the Anthropocene
Artistic practices in the Anthropocene (excursion?)
Artistic practices in the Anthropocene
Guest speaker / workshop?
Closing session (Public presentation)
Hindamismeetodid ja -kriteeriumid
● Show a high degree of engagement in course readings and discussions
● Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the scale and scope of environmental change in a long time perspective
● Critically analyze the conflicting and complementary disciplinary and ideological approaches to the Anthropocene
● Display competence and ability to conceptualize and develop artistic responses to conditions posed by the Anthropocene
Kohustuslikud ja soovituslikud õppematerjalid
“Art, Theory and Practice in the Anthropocene” edited by Julie Reiss
“Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies” edited by Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin
“Being Ecological” Timothy Morton
The Anthropocene Project h​ ttps://
EVKU71051 Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused I: Psühhoanalüüsi/skisoanalüüsi meetodipõhised praktikad
EVKU71001 Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused I: Sissejuhatus psühhoanalüüsi
KU7101 Kaasaegse kunsti küsimused 1: Psühhoanalüüsi/ skisoanalüüsi meetodi põhised praktikad
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